HCHS Parents and Stakeholders,
I hope you and your family are looking forward to a wonderful Thanksgiving break! It's hard to believe, but testing begins next Tuesday, so I wanted to touch base about our upcoming testing schedule and ask for your help.
STATE END OF COURSE (EOC aka TCAP) TESTING (in alphabetical order by class):
**Algebra II EOC(standard and honors; 3 subparts; all during class): 12/10, 12/11, 12/12
**English II EOC (standard and honors; 3 subparts): 12/3 (8-10 am; altered schedule due to length of test); 12/4 (during class, but on an altered schedule), 12/5 (during class, but on an altered schedule)
**Geometry EOC (standard and honors; 3 subparts; all during class): 12/10, 12/11, 12/12
STATE SDC TESTING (in alphabetical order by class):
All SDC testing will occur on 12/4; times vary
**SDC Criminal Justice 3
**SDC Marketing 3
**SDC Pre-Calculus
**SDC Teaching as a Profession 3
**SDC US History
LDC Wellness testing will occur on 12/9/24 during classes.
Please note...
**Students have been working hard to prepare for tests associated with their classes. Testing will allow them to showcase their learning, and we are encouraging them to do their very best. Your help for our upcoming testing days is greatly appreciated!
**Per board policy, EOC scores will count as part of the report card.
**Please help us by making sure your child is here, on time, during any scheduled tests.
**Please make sure your child is well rested before a test.
**Please encourage your children to feed their brains before a testing session!
**Though the testing schedule may say a test will happen "during class," please note that the class may be altered just a bit due to lunch schedules, due to the length of a test, etc. For instance, if the class normally eats B or C lunch, we cannot break for lunch during the test and 3rd block students will therefore likely eat lunch before testing begins.
**Students who miss a test will make-up the test upon return.
**State policy allows students or parents to request additional testing time on an EOC subpart, to ensure students are able to finish. When 5 minutes remain in an EOC test, students will be given a verbal time warning and can request then (or at any point prior to the end of testing) to have time added if desired. Up to an additional 20% is allowable on each EOC subpart.
**We will not interrupt classes during testing sessions. Once a test has started, taking a student out of the test to check out will automatically void their test. Additionally, interrupting testing sessions may lead to a testing irregularity report that affects other students as well.
**Please be aware of your child's testing schedule and help us by scheduling appointments at times other than during their tests.
Semester 1 Final Exam Information
I will send detailed information the week before final exams, but I thought I'd add a few quick notes...
**ALL students are expected to be at school through Wednesday, December 18th. Classes will run as normal through that point. Sometimes students try to convince their parents they can miss a few days. Please realize this will go against their exam exemptions and will also count against truancy.
**Final Exams will be given on Thursday, December 19 and Friday, December 20.
**The exam exemption policy can be found in the HCHS Student Handbook on our website.
**More information will be distributed the week of December 9th.
As always, please let us know of any questions or concerns.
Go Big Red!
Michele Webb, Ed.D.