HCHS Parents and Stakeholders,
We've enjoyed seeing your children as they have come to pick up their schedules for this year! We're excited to see their faces next Tuesday during our first day of the 2023-24 school year! I wanted to touch base today with a few updates...
Next Schedule Pick-Up Opportunity:
Our staff is in Professional Development each day this week. Our next Schedule Pick-Up day will be on Monday at Open House (information below).
Online Registration:
If you've not yet done, please make sure Online Registration is completed for your child before the first day of school...This definitely beats that thick stack of papers on the first day! Details on online registration can be found in my former emails, which can be found on our school website.
Please see the following information from the HCSS School Nutrition Director, Ms. Tiffany Latta...
Since the Henry County School System does not qualify for the Community Eligibility Provision, we must charge for lunch for those who do not qualify for free or reduced priced meals. ALL Henry County School System students will continue to receive FREE breakfast.
Beginning, 7/24/23 you may apply for free or reduced meal benefits, please complete the online application at www.schoolcafe.com/application. A paper application will be sent home with your student and will be available at Open House.
Pricing for the upcoming school year can be found on the district website
2023-2024 School Nutrition Program Prices
For additional information please contact the School Nutrition office at 731-642-9733 or email Tiffany Latta at lattat@henryk12.net
Dates to know...
Monday, July 31st: Open House (4:30-6 pm)
Tuesday, August 1st: First Day for students! ABBREVIATED DAY
(Dismissal at 11:30 am; Buses will run; Breakfast will be served; Lunch will not be served)
Wednesday, August 2nd: First FULL Day of school for students (8 am - 3:15 pm)
A few reminders...
Senior Pictures! began this morning! Class of 2024 students have each been assigned an appointment time. Entrance for senior pictures is at E building across from the red fieldhouse.
Open House reminder
HCHS will host Open House on Monday, July 31st from 4:30-6 pm. During Open House, students and parents are welcome to attend a parent information session, walk the halls, pick up schedules if needed, find classes, meet teachers, and such. Parent Information Sessions will be held in the Theater at 4:45 and 5:30 pm and are open to all. During these sessions (which will be approximately 35 minutes), an overview of important school policies and procedures will be discussed. We hope you'll make plans to join us for Open House! Additional information booths will be set up that night...
**HCSS Food Services...sign up for School Cafe, complete a lunch application if needed
**HCSS Transportation...check on a bus number or bus route
**Youth Villages
**HC Health Department
Spread the word!
Please make sure your friends are receiving the parent emails. Each year, I am always surprised that at least a few senior parents remark that they have never gotten the emails. Important information is communicated through the emails, so we'd LOVE to have EVERYone receive them. Please make sure your friends and acquaintances know about them. Anyone who needs to be added to the parent email list should email their information to HCHS Registrar Ms. Melissa King at kingm@henryk12.net. Please include: child's name, parent name, email address (can be multiple ones if needed), and Class of 20__ (year of graduation).
Please feel free to let us know of any questions or concerns. We're looking forward to an #HCHSAwesome year!
Go Big Red!
Michele Webb, Ed.D.Principal
Henry County High School
315 South Wilson Street
Paris, TN 38242
Website: http://hchs.henryk12.net/
Facebook: Henry County High School - Paris, Tennessee
Instagram: henrycountyhighparistn