Community and Counseling Resources


Suicide Prevention Lifeline, available 24/7 for individuals in emotional or mental distress: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or 1-855-CRISIS-1 (1-855-274-7471)

Crisis Text Line: Text TN to 741-741 to message with a trained counselor 24/7.

Mobile Crisis Unit: This is a specially trained group of counselors who can assist individuals in a mental health emergency. They can assess, triage, and implement the appropriate care for the individual. 

  • Youth Mobile Crisis Unit: 866-791-9227

  • Adult Mobile Crisis Unit: 1-855-274-7471

If you are in an emergency situation, call 911.

If you have a smartphone, you can use the voice assistant feature (for example, Siri on an iPhone) to say that you're thinking about harming yourself. Your phone should then automatically connect you to the Suicide Hotline number.


Alpha and Omega Counseling: 731-642-5111

Carey Counseling: 731-642-0521

Carl Perkins Center: 731-642-8455

Child Abuse Reporting: 877-237-0004

Family Resource Center: 731-642-2938

  • Food Bank booklet (see attachment)

  • Parents' Helpful Handbook (see attachment)

Health Connect America: 731-221-2114

Lake Haven Behavioral Center: 731-644-8482

Moblie Crisis Services: 1-855-274-7471

Youth Villages: 731-641-4141